How to enhance your Virtual Conference Experience

Stephanie Marquez

Last Update 3 năm trước

Welcome, and thank you for registering for Hope, Heal, Renew: The Journey Continues. We are excited that you are joining us for this virtual conference.

After registering, you will have received two emails: one will be your receipt for payment, and the other will have the link so you can setup your password to enter the conference website.

1. Click on the words “Click here” and you will be taken to the password page. Make sure you choose a strong password, using a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols! Write your password down, or save it on your computer so that you have easy access throughout the conference.

2. Once your password is accepted, head over to the conference site at On the left-hand side of the page, choose “Login”, and enter your email and password, and you are in!

3. Once you are on the main page, there are two important places to know…on the left-hand side you will always find your menu, taking you to your personal dashboard, your profile, and many other features like the directory, where you can see and connect with other conference participants! The second important place is the bottom right-hand corner, where there is a “Chat” bubble. Click on that bubble for real-time chat whenever you are lost or need some help.

4. Click on My Dashboard. Under your picture, you will see three boxes. The first one, Directory, is where you can search for other participants you might know and connect with them! The second one will take you to the Resource Center, where during the conference you will find the links to visit exhibitors, see videos, and much more. Finally, the third box will have the full agenda, and it is there that you will find the links to the sessions. They will be marked so you will know which are live and the time they can be viewed, and which are pre-recorded that you can watch on-demand.

Hopefully, that gives you a quick overview of the website. If you want to make sure you are logging in correctly, join us anytime on Thursday, November 4, 3:00 pm-6:30 pm Pacific time for A Participants Welcome to a Virtual Conference, to see how all the features work from logging on, finding workshops and exhibitors, how to win prizes, connecting with other attendees and much more!

Thank you, and look forward to seeing you!

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